Here’s what happenes when news of a joint Hoobastank, P.O.D and Alien Ant Farm tour hit the Internet.
Check out those random tweets of happy people! More on Ticketmaster!
Alien Ant Farm/POD/Hoobastank has gotta be one of the tours of the year so far. Genius billing
— Tyla Campbell (@TylaTPTP) February 11, 2015
Hoobastank, POD and Alien Ant Farm on tour in May. Is this 2004? I’m so happy right now! — Cerys (@CerysFox) February 11, 2015
I can’t believe I can actually have the chance to see Hoobastank, P.O.D and Alien Ant Farm. Actual dream come true
— Majora (@_Jordan_Watkins) February 11, 2015
Hoobastank, POD and Alien Ant Farm touring together in the UK? WOW. — Callum Galbraith (@cgalbraith) February 11, 2015
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