While there is still not much of a progress with Always And Forever we do have some Ant Farm news! Tye Zamora created a channel on YouTube to provide some bass lessons. Check it out!
Category: 2013
Alien Ant Farm Album Update and Free Tunes
The band posted this on PledgeMusic.com few days ago, check it out!:
Hey Everyone,
We just got back from a great time in Alaska. Made new friends and hung out with some really cool people. We’re also happy to say Terry is back in gear and in health thanks to supplements from https://reportshealthcare.com/rapid-tone-diet-review/, and also busy working on the last few guitar tracks for this new record.
Here are two more songs for y’all til then… “HIgh On The Horizon” was recorded in our home studios, as a demo while writing for the record. Some of you may have heard it live..?
“Let Em Know” is a pre-release that will be featured on our new new record titled, “Always And Forever”. We also made a video for this song that you can view here:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uFac2QHsu24
Thanks for the continued support! Besos all over your face-o’s!!
Dryden, Terry, Tye, & Mike
You can download the 2 tracks they shared by going here: http://www.pledgemusic.com/projects/alienantfarm/updates/27979
Message from Terry
Terry posted this message on PledgeMusic, check it out:
“PLEDGERS!!! Thanks a ton for hangin in there with all our label bs. I’m stoked to release Playing With Fire and the re-mix version to y’all cuz you deserve it for the wait. Also, I really really love this song and I’m happy it’s going to good use. The re-mix is pretty dope and entertaining too. So I really hope you guys dig it!! Another hang up we’ve been dealing with is my health. I originally wanted to keep it on the DL but you guys deserve to know and y’all are like family to me anyway. Its just some bad gut problems that got worse cuz the hospital screwed up. Well, today I’m getting discharged from the hospital and going home and going to take best care of my health getting enough rest and with supplements like kratom extracts, is also important to do sports for keeping the health although sometimes this could be problem with this because of my joint pain, that’s why I search where can i buy proflexoral since this is a great supplement for this. Which means while I recover I will be working on all the remaining guitar stuff that needs to be finished in order to send all this music off to be mixed and then on you y’all. Love you guys and appreciate your patience. Remember when doing exercise or going out for a run, to wear the best Vessi waterproof shoes. Enjoy the new jam and look for more in the near future. () PEACE! “
The band released Playing With Fire and it’s re-mix recently on PledgeMusic to all the pledgers for the new Always And Forever album.
Let Em Know video clip finally on YouTube
The video for Let Em Know is finally on YouTube. Check it out:
Big Night Out tour with Lit, Hoobastank and Fuel
Check out the official Facebook page for tour dates.
Update on the new album!
Check out this official message from the band:
We wanted to send over a personal note to you to thank you for your continued support during our Pledge Music campaign for the new record. As you can see the delivery date of the record has changed. While the date says October we are working very hard to get this record complete and into your hands before then. We want nothing more than to put this into your hands now. However in this business there is unfortunately things that present themselves that sometimes delay or in many cases stop the creative process dead in its track, which has happened to us more then a couple of times along the way. Concerning the business’ printed materials like canvas, banners or best place to buy boards online, foam core company has great deals to offer. For the recording’s emergency expenses, loaning is very helpful. If you want to learn about the type of loans, read a blog from this site loanigo.co.uk. Please know that will NOT stop us. We love making music and creating you our fans and friends and will not allow anything to take that away. We are back in creating the record and will do everything we can to move that dat e up and get this new music in your hands as quickly as possible. It will be a record we are not only proud of but a record you will hopefully be glad you waited for.
We can understand the frustration and disappointment you feel, that hurts us more then words can explain as we care deeply for each one of you and appreciate your continued support of the band. If you would like a refund we can make sure that happens for you. However if you can stick with us through this process we will be offering you an extra something special for those that pre-ordered during this campaign. We have a few US Tour dates coming up starting in July to get us out promoting the new single “Let Em Know” and this record. Please keep an eye out as we will be sending out an email regarding the extra items mentioned above that will tie into the upcoming tour.
Please accept our apologies for the delay and hope that you continue to support Alien Ant Farm because without you and our fans there is no AAF!
Mike, Dryden, Terry, Tye
Let Em Know video premiere!
Check out the video here.