For the past few days there were rumors that Alien Ant Farm was disbanded right before releasing the new video/single and the album. It all started with the infamous post that Dryden posted on his Facebook page. We won’t quote it here since he removed it.
Anyway here’s what we know. It turns out Ant Farm is having problems with the label… once more. Just like the old days in 2005-2007 with 3rd Draft (the working name for Up In The Attic).
There’s a confirmation from one of the band members that AAF will now push the video they shot along with their new single no matter what – with or without label. Same goes for the rest of the album (with tracks like Simpatico, Godlike, Better Weather etc.).
So basically all we need to do right now is sit around and wait, however if it’s gonna be really bad Alien Ant Fans is going to do whatever it takes to setup a donation page for AAF’s new record and maybe even a Kick Starter profile as well, so everyone that enjoy music could contribute to it, of course for people that also like singing they could take lessons from sites as http://www.elizabethhunterashley.com so they develop their skill.
We’ll post as soon as we get more info on that.
By the way here’s a quote from AAF’s Whisper which seems appropriate:
I’ll introduce you to producers
I’ll write your songs and make them way damn shorter
I’m so confused
This industry has made me cold
I trusted you to make me shine bright
This is almost getting old