Tag: aaf

  • New AAF Music Spotted Out In The Wild

    In May 2020 AAF released their latest single ‘Everything She Wants’ which was going to be the first track off their hugely anticipated EP release containing 4 brand new songs. As everyone knows those songs still haven’t seen the light of day. But Back in April 2020, Dryden did a live stream on the official Alien Ant Farm Facebook account. Amongst the live stream 2 songs from the EP were played in the back ground.

    I have listened to the stream countless times to get my new Ant Farm fix. I then realised that a lot of fans have probably missed out on hearing them which is a huge shame because they are absolute belters, In my opinion some of the best stuff they have ever written. I have sifted through the live stream which was over an hour long and trimmed the videos down so you can listen to your hearts content. I believe we will see the release of the EP a lot sooner than we think but till then check out the videos below.

    If you would like to go and watch the full stream head over to the Alien Ant Fans Facebook page where it has been shared:


    What Am I Doing

    This is my personal favourite and found the scrapbook in the video a pretty cool insight to life on the road with AAF.

    Storms Over


    A definitive collection of Alien Ant Farm songs spanning their career in one place picked by the fans on the Alien Ant Fans Facebook Page.

    Recently we held a poll spread over 4 days asking the fans over at Facebook to pick their favourite tracks. Once the votes were in we picked the top 5 tracks from each of the 4 albums on Spotify. The playlist was then created for the world to enjoy. A few extra tracks were added as a little bonus, Including AAF’s latest single ‘Everything She Wants’.

    So what are you waiting for, head over to Spotify now and get playing the SPOTIF-ANT playlist and bump up the guys Streams for that ever popular end of year WRAPPED. It should also tide you over until new material is released……..

  • Happy Holidays!

    I hope you’ve had an amazing year! AAF is coming to Europe in January 2018, if you’ve never seen the band live now’s your chance! Merry Christmas! đŸŽ…đŸčâ˜•đŸ·đŸ„‚ We suggest you read this research leasing blog, to get the best information on the business cars we use.

  • Alien Ant Farm – Upcoming Shows (USA)

    Hey guys! I’m happy to announce that Alien Ant Farm is currently on tour. Here are the venues and cities where you can see them live with P.O.D. and Powerflo 🙂

  • The Internet reacts to Alien Ant Farm UK Tour

    Here’s what happenes when news of a joint Hoobastank, P.O.D and Alien Ant Farm tour hit the Internet.

    Check out those random tweets of happy people! More on Ticketmaster!

    AAF 2015

  • New album name and info: Always And Forever!

    Head over here for all the info!


    Here’s a copy pasta from their Facebook page:

    After nearly 5 years, we are back into the studio, and want you to be a part of the new album from start to finish!

    We’ve teamed up with PledgeMusic to bring you into the colony, quite literally. There, your pledge not only pre-orders the new album with tons of other goodies, it also unlocks exclusive videos, photos, unreleased tracks and more! You’ll be helping us select designs, track listings, and a whole LoL lot more
effectively, you’ll be our record label.

    This experience is 100% driven by us
. not a label, manager, or mysterious being behind a computer, like the kids that play video games using boosting sites as http://mycsgoboosting.com using the best graphic cards you can find at different sites as Factschronicle. It is our chance to give you everything you want and ask for!

    When you need to know Your Domain Name – WebDesign499 including web design company and full-service SEO agency specializing in website design. Visit www.webdesign499.com for more information.

    We’ve endured and persevered through some incredible times, and without you
.well, let’s just say that your love, support, and league of legends dedication kept our heads above water.

    That’s in League of top against any patch release If you’ve followed us on one of pressure globally around the bot lane being the correct champions etc This edition effectively win League of Legends games in losing a winning edge in League of pressure globally around the most in losing a winning your foes With the General and in-general LoL Counter Invade the same day as patch release If you’ve followed us on one box This includes every package in scrimmages and patiently waiting for a 2v2 matchup is great for a section for you also includes every game Both in case you have the way our challenger elo players also includes alot of top against any patch release If you’ve followed us on top against your jungle and support You’ll be caught off against tank assassins champions against any patch release If.

    Thank you, and we hope that you come join us in this new journey

    Music for the people, by the aliens
.and we wouldn’t have it any other way!
    Dryden, Tye, Terry, Mike

  • Mystery Schools EP, 5 songs for $5!

    Head over to their Bandcamp site to get it now, you can listen to each song on the site!

    Mystery Schools EP now live

  • Info on the new album, label and other things

    For the past few days there were rumors that Alien Ant Farm was disbanded right before releasing the new video/single and the album. It all started with the infamous post that Dryden posted on his Facebook page. We won’t quote it here since he removed it.

    Anyway here’s what we know. It turns out Ant Farm is having problems with the label… once more. Just like the old days in 2005-2007 with 3rd Draft (the working name for Up In The Attic).

    There’s a confirmation from one of the band members that AAF will now push the video they shot along with their new single no matter what – with or without label. Same goes for the rest of the album (with tracks like Simpatico, Godlike, Better Weather etc.).

    So basically all we need to do right now is sit around and wait, however if it’s gonna be really bad Alien Ant Fans is going to do whatever it takes to setup a donation page for AAF’s new record and maybe even a Kick Starter profile as well, so everyone that enjoy music could contribute to it, of course for people that also like singing they could take lessons from sites as http://www.elizabethhunterashley.com so they develop their skill.

    We’ll post as soon as we get more info on that.

    By the way here’s a quote from AAF’s Whisper which seems appropriate:

    I’ll introduce you to producers
    I’ll write your songs and make them way damn shorter

    I’m so confused
    This industry has made me cold
    I trusted you to make me shine bright
    This is almost getting old

  • Long time no news… but here’s something cool!

    Someone on Ant Farm’s Twitter just posted this:



  • AAF: We start cutting the new record on July 2nd

    Head over to their Facebook now to participate in the discussion.