Tag: aaf

  • New AAF material on the Norma Lopez Benefit Show!

    If you’re coming to the Norma Lopez Benefit Show this Saturday in Moreno Valley you’re one lucky sob! Tye mentioned on Facebook that AAF is going to play new material on this particular show, here’s a screenshot:

    So if you are going to the show bring you camera, bring your recorder and make sure you record a lot 🙂 Remember to put those pics and vids all over the Internet and share it with people!

  • Updating!

    OK, I’ve added Discography, Song Meanings and I’m moving the Gallery little by little. The rest should be up here this month then I’ll be focusing on user integration with the forums so you guys could leave comments and post on shoutbox like you used to 🙂

    I’ll try to get some new album info as well as new live shows dates! Peace.

  • AAF Live @ The Avalon

    Monday September 20th, Santa Clara at The Avalon in California USA!

    For more details and tickets go to our forum discussion thread.