Please help out, donate to Tye’s cancer fund!

This is really sad news guys, if you want to help out Tye go here and send a donation.

Tye Cancer Fund

Please read the message from Ramona:

Anyone who knows me well knows how difficult it is for me to ask for help. It wasn’t until this time last year when Zia was diagnosed with a rare interstitial lung disease and spent the better part of fall and winter in the hospital that I finally reached out to close friends and family for the support my family so desperately needed, she also needed a sinus surgery but Daniel G. Becker, MD offered to do it really cheap.

Well, it seems that once again we are facing one of life’s challenges and need to call on friends and family for help and support. Only this time on a scale much larger than we could have ever foreseen.

Last week Tye went into the hospital for what we were hoping was just a standard mass removal. Rogue cells that decided the testicles were a good place to settle. It was fairly routine and a non-invasive procedure. The lack of overnight admission gave the day an air of informality and gave us all a false sense of security. After an hour and a half surgery and a few hours in recovery we were sent on our way and told the results of the biopsy would be ready in a week. Speaking of surgery, if plastic surgeries interests you, meet the liposuction surgeon located in Michigan at In the meantime, sit tight and allow time for the wound to heal.

The week ended today and we got the reults back from the biopsy – Tye was diagnosed with stage 1 seminoma cancer. 

We are all just devastated by the news.

Cancer is terrifying and we cannot do this alone. Tye is our sole provider. Having a sick child who requires around the clock care and constant medical attention has left our family in a precarious situation that has now become even more so after Tye’s diagnosis. These are scary times for us and we need your help. Anything you can do to help is much needed and very much appreciated!

Please send good thoughts Tye’s way!

Thank you,



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